Pavel Vasilev

Software engineer, hobbyist.

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I am originally from St. Petersburg, Russia, but currently out of the country for political and moral reasons.

  1. Telegram: p_vasilev
  2. E-mail:

About me


Saint Petersburg State University, 2016

B. Sc., Applied Mathematics, Fundamental Informatics and Programming

Professional experience

Go Software Engineer, EPAM

St. Petersburg, Remote, Jan 2018 - Present

Outsourcing work for the following projects:

C++/C# Software Engineer, Takeprofit Technology

St. Petersburg, Aug 2016 - Dec 2017

Development of various financial tools for brokers (Forex, exchanges, etc.). Automated money management, risk management, trade handling


Technologies used:

Software Developer (C++), Robomoika

Remote, part-time, Nov 2015 - Jul 2016

Building an automated car washing system from the ground up


Technologies used:

Junior Software Developer (C++), Lanit-Tercom

St. Petersburg, part-time, Sep 2015 - Feb 2016

Working on image processing system for geodesic needs


Technologies used:

Trainee Software Developer (C++), Lanit-Tercom

St. Petersburg, Jun 2015 - Aug 2015

Algorithms for quadcopter control


Technologies used:

Hobbies & interests

Passionate hobbyist developer

I write code for all sorts of stuff without considering whether it would be useful for anything at all. Some examples of things I wrote:

Electronics enthusiast

I like building cool things from electronic components that, again, aren’t necessarily meant to be useful.

Some examples of things I built:

Less nerdy activities

I also like to play video games, cook, go camping, occasionally play guitar and bass, and write music.